“SAY SO by GJ” ~ Monday, 22 June 2020, ‘Summer Sunshine and Heat’

Happy Summer to everyone. YES, Summer arrived on Saturday.

Short and sweet. Time to plan to finish strong on the second half of the 2020. Next Wednesday is the 1st of July and signals the beginning of the 2nd half.

  1. Plan – take 30 minutes (brainstorm) – draft out what you need to be doing, with whom and your completion date (business and personal).
  2. Schedule those task that need to be. Allow couple days leeway!
  3. Review your day in the evening and readjust where you need for the next day. Lay out papers; or, clothing needed. Get your proper rest and be ready to tackle your new day in the morning.

If you want to finish strong and working from your strengths – Here is my offer: $199 for 2 assessments {Behavioral and Time} includes 2 debriefing sessions – all must be completed in 30 days. Click here (email) let me know you want to be a part/click here to set appointment for your initial session; so, I can assist on getting you started – answer any questions.

Have a happy and safe (mask, wash hands, 6′ distancing) 4th of July holiday.


“Say So by GJ” – Thursday, 11 June 2020 – ‘Coming Out of Lock-down’

June! We made it!! Congratulations to the GRADUATES of 2020. We are emerging from our lockdowns into our new normal that will be evolving for awhile.

3 quick points; an offer; and quick access of my Resource page info.

  • Summer is almost officially here ~ be proactive in getting things done earlier in the day before summer thunderstorms/lighting/power loss pop up and shut you down.
  • Know your priorities and do/work on those first. Handle known printing needs early in the day. Make calls early (clients or appointments to schedule)
  • Stay FOCUSED and complete your tasks – not multi-task and burn your self out. Revise your plans if ‘necessity’ dictates (unexpected emergency).

The offer – sign up for James Clear’s (Author of Atomic habits) 3-2-1 Thursday newsletter – click on this link:


GJ Resource Page:

Do you need an Word Press IT Technician or Web Developer or Software Person – Please contact iMark Interactive (Grayson Bell). Please click here to visit iMark.

ConvertKit – the best email marketing client on the planted. Everything you need. Training is the THE BEST (get gifts; and replay within 24 hours). Customer Service is exceptional. I use this and love it. Try it for yourself – “click here” to experience ConvertKit for yourself.

Your Marketing style:

Interested in knowing your marketing personality? Please click here to take the assessment. {then, SCROLL DOWN, MID-WAY, PASS THE STYLE IDENTIFIERS}


1. IBOTTA – click on this link select you groceries preferences update weekly with new items, ‘hot’ items, or ‘for you’ items.

2. FetchRewards – click here for this offer. (USE my referral code BG8PF at the sign-up screen and you will receive 2,000 FETCH points with your first receipt). You can scan receipts and accumulate points to redeem against various categories.

3. InstaCart – click here for information. Instacart shoppers are excellent. This service has been a tremendous assist during the quarantine. I intend to contine to make use of THIS service

General Shopping:

4. Rakuten – Click on this for the offers. Recommend that you also download the extension for your computer or laptop, so you always receive the remeinder and won’t miss the rebates offers.

5. Arcadia Power – www.arcadiapower.com Solar discounting on your home electronic invoicing: NO EQUIPMENT IS NEEDED to participate. Please 1st check to see if this is available in your area. Read about the benefits and join. Click here on Referral code link

Again – I am sharing these ‘affiliate marketing’ links with you. This means that should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage for introducing the link … AT NO additional cost to you.

Gloria-Jean Brown 

[email protected] https://CoachingbyGJ.com

“Say So by GJ” – ‘Living in the NEW’ ~ Thursday, 21 May 2020

Greetings … May readers,

Hope all is on track with your ‘new normal’ living and working situations. We are breathing a sigh of relief as daily living is opening up – though far from our life in February 2020 – a mere 3 months ago.

There are new areas of home attention: Decluttering; working from home ‘office space’; organizing family areas; designated home schooling area(s); work ‘conference call’ (Zoom, etc) area(s); schedules; meal plans. These won’t all go away as we are learning. We can not all go back to where we were.

A critical area will be: child care vs adults going back to a work place. As summer is upon us – that may not be critical. Come school year – depending on the attendance plan, it could be. Smaller class sizes; smaller capacity at child care centers; what days children may actual be in a school building; what days you may be in your work office.

Have you looked at Evernote as a way of organizing your documents? Google ‘how long to keep documents’ and as a part of your decluttering – shred old documents to protect your identity. Scan the documents you do need and use a program, like Evernote – via your computer, with iphone/android accessible for items you need at the ready – like car insurance proof; a particular document for a meeting.

Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend. Be safe: wear your mask; wash your hands and maintain 6 feet distance.

Gloria-JeanBrown [email protected] https://CoachingbyGJ.com

“Timed Productivity” – ‘It Doesn’t Take Much’ – – Thursday Blog, 7 May 2020

Greetings – Week 8 of the Quarantine – there is light at the end of our now, forever changed, world (universe).

Praying for us all, daily … no matter your situation. We have seen and learned a lot since 1 March. It seemed in a matter of days we were sent to our homes. Children from their schools. Everything shut down. Now, you could work from home; teach your children with the information packets sent home. Those who needed – were given laptops and hot spots. Parents – each with their own set of conference calls to attend. Schools and colleges launched FULL online learning. There were 3 meals a day to be prepared. So, what did you do with your extra non-drive time?? Write that book? Start your new business? Were you scrambling to re-tool your home business to survive this pandemic? Did you initiate your planning skills for your full house?

“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King!” – Desiderius Erasmus

I actually got a few new things in place – InstaCart shopping (I was very pleased with the shopper’s selections); and even happier for the delivery!! This may continue at times after this, just for a nice break. I cleaned up my bookmarks on my laptop: deleted some and organized others into folders. Took advantage of some museuem lecture online, since they were closed (this was a nice refreshing break). And, backed out all the photos on my phone (into a labeled folder, of course).

You break a habit by building a new habit and doing it each day for reenforcing that this is what you really want to doing.

We will be out and about soon; but, now wearing a mask and drawing the 6 foot line to be sure we will be OK. Don’t rush too fast – better to be 6 feet apart; than 6 feet under.

I hope some of the technological changes will be of continued benefit to you and family. All can not go back to the workplace. All children can not go back to school (there may be some half at school/half at home with online learning). Restaurants at 50% capacity. Museums, Movie Theathers, etc. – with limited number of people allowed in at one time. What are we to do with elevators?

Short term (3 months) coaching, {See, you could almost be done!!}, is available. Please email me, if interested and ready.

Gloria-Jean Brown 

[email protected] https://CoachingbyGJ.com

“SAY SO by GJ” – New Story ~ Thursday, 23 April 2020

We tend to NOT like change over which we have no control, said Dr. Michael Margolis, (CEO of Storied). I think WE all can agree!! But, In this time of universal change – are you willing to embrace the discomfort and awkwardness of change? (Face mask at the ready; knowing exactly how far 6′ is and making others adhere to that distance; you can spell ‘pandemic’).

How are YOU writing YOUR new story?

“Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape”. – Michael McGriffy, M.D.

Gloria-Jean Brown

[email protected] https://CoachingbyGJ.com

“Timed Productivity ~ Home-New Normal, Thursday Blog – 16 April 2020

Hi – WOW 16 April 2020 and you are still home. For most of us, we will ALL be here for another month. Most schooling as we knew it – will be changed going forward. Perhaps, 2 1/2 days in class and 2 1/2 days online – staggered; so all students are not all in the building at the same time. We may need to maintain the 6 foot distancing for another year! Your job – most likely all the offfice staff can not be there – all at the same time. Restaurant may have less seating to accomodate ‘new’ proper distancing!!

Adjust now. Make your own colorful mask (you know that is going to be a part of life going forward)! [20 x20″ material {fold in half}; insert coffee filter in the center-for added filtration and protection; Fold material into center over filter {top and bottom}; 2 rubber bands or hair ties {1 over each end for each ear}; ADJUST for proper fit]

How is your home office set up; and your children study area? Need some better furniture (desk, chair, extra cords or wiring). Make it work comfortably for yourself and family.

Embrace this less strict time and relax. Work – then, read, go for a walk, play a game with your children. Cook some new recipes.

An article I read by Mike Vardy said “productivity is about the relationship between intention and attention”. Where is your focus?

Interested in short term coaching visit my website and connect with me!! What else do you have to do? Got somewhere to go?

Gloria-Jean Brown

Home Survival – “Timed Productivity” ~ Thursday Blog (come back) – 9 April 2020

Greetings on this Thursday (9 April 2020) aprox 4 week into ‘home lock down’.

First – Happy Easter celebration to YOU and yours. Take time to be creative and to RELAX and make a new way to celebrate with family and friends and church members.

Be gentle with yourself and others. The universe for that matter. We ALL got thrown a curve; but, let us raise to our best behavior – especially with our house mates.


Plan no MORE than 3 task a day.

Make a schedule for your chidren – for their school work and home chores.

View your week – as a set of 7 days – if something doesn’t get done today, you are 6 more!

Do find time to review and list what REALLY needs to be done; then – select the top 3 priorities and write them in your planner or on calendar. Do weekly.

With a full house: leave room for unplanned events and feelings!! You may feel like you just want to sit on the couch; or pull the covers over your head – do that. This situation is a lot to absorb no matter your status.

Do stay in touch with family/friends [quick Check-in emai; or, text with emoji or gif], and those person who make you laugh.

Hope for the best; but realistically – know that some uncertainty is possible. Stay flexible.

Keep as much normal in your life as you can. We all have to adjust to our new normal and it may not all go back to the way it was. Be prepared.

Don’t judge yourself or others. We are all doing the best that we can. We all have new challenges to adjust and work through each day. It is a new life balance for awhile.

Gloria-Jean Brown https://CoachingbyGJ.com [email protected]

“SAY SO by GJ” – ‘Spring has Sprung’ ~ 21 March 2020

Spring is here – and it isn’t the least bit concerned with what we are going through. Things have CHANGED and will continue evolving. But for most of us – we do have a gift of time. No rush hour traffic. No rushing to get out of the house; or, drop children at school. No electricity loss or snow to shovel.

This is a time to review and re-evaluate what we do, why we do it and possibly – how we can improve on our processes. And though we have ALL been up-ended some sort of way – we may find that we don’t want to return to our ‘old’ status quo. We may be in this ‘home’ holding pattern – longer that we anticipated. So, please DO make the best of this time. For you and for your family.

Practice ‘time blocking’: your work assignements; your children school lessons; time to get out of the house: a walk; a science lesson; exercise warm-up; or just sit in the sun for 15 minutes. Perhaps, a family dinner cooking together time (you are all there).

I know some have thought – I can do some decluttering. Do YOU have a plan? Here is an easy start – get a notebook and then go sit in each room and write a listing of what you want done in that room ( paint; closet clean-out; drawers reorganized; medicine cabinet cleanout; under bathrooom sink… list goes on. This applies to your car(s) and garage. It is Spring!! For those with children – let them help; but, make it fun for them. Everyone can do something.

Use this time to structure and implement the morning and/or evening rituals you have wanted to do. Start a 15 minute exercise routine (You Tube or a phone app). Use your drive time for a new purpose – some may even get 90-120 minutes for something new. Color – start your own zen time of artistic beauty. Jigsaw puzzles for the you and the chidren. Plant a vegetable garden or flowers.

Feel free to contact me for other ideas at [email protected]. If interested in short term coaching or reading some of my other blogs for ideas, please visit at https://CoachingbyGJ.com

Happy Spring!!!

“SAY SO by GJ” – Special Edition – ‘Get to Work, Productively’ ~ (Covid-19 edition) – 18Mar2020

A lot of you are trying to adjust to not only working from home; but, also, having your children home; and possibly a spouse (FULL HOUSE). Everyone needs space. Everyone has tasks to do. If you are one who normally works from home – – now you have constant companions (smiles).

First thing each morning – get together and map out [brain storm] what must be done that day.

Divide up working space. Set posted schedules for all work time; homework time for children; eating; recreational time; even ~ decluttering time (since everyone is there!!); and family FUN time. Have a room where adults can make necessary work phone calls to clients or join in a conference call ( in relative quiet ).

Weather permitting – go outside for a walk; game of dodge ball; let the sun shine on you for 15 minutes. Each person take turns walking the dog.

Pay attention to your energy levels – something you might not have been able to do in an office/school setting. If you wake up at 3AM and can’t go back to sleep – get up and do some work! Go back to sleep. Should you find you need a nap at 10:30AM – take it for 30 minutes (reset) – get up and get back at it.

Pomodoro ~ is your friend and your family!! You work FOCUSED on a task for 25 minutes; then – take a madatory … 5 minute break. Then – start another 25 minute session. Complete (3) cycles and take a 30 minute break.

This is the link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique

This too shall pass! But while we are in the thick of it – make the time as pleasurable as possible. After all ~ you are home with family!!

“SAY SO by GJ” – On The Journey ~ 21 Feb 2020

WoW – February is moving along. Where are you on your journey?

This month I am highlighting (2) resources: iMark Interactive (Word Press Developer and Trouble Shooter) Please click here to visit iMark. – Greyson Bell; and ConvertKit ~ Please “click here to experience ConvertKit for yourself. (Your one stop for communicating with others; informative webinars; exceptional customer service, and, free month to check it out).

Here are your 3 short pointers for February 2020:

1. Once you have your focus [on the right targets]; you can achieve consistent flow.

2. Once you ‘do’ handle your toughest project; you free your mind to handle the other thousand thing to be done. The elephant has left the room.

3. Batching can be good when applied the correct way – tasks ~ you need to do that are similar; meetings ~ based on your location; have a meeting free day; use conferencing, when you can … with a strict agenda and the necessary people!

If you need my coaching assistance, CONSIDER **Your behavior style is equally valuable and we are a mix of all four; but, which is the most dominant? Are you working productively or consistently trying to ‘fix’ yourself? Are you ‘firm’; or, ‘lively’; or, ‘private’; or, ‘patient’? – PLEASE contact me at [email protected] [Time Management; Efficiency/Productivity]. Click here to view my coaching website page. If you are ready – 3 months is your ticket. Make an appointment to talk and get any questions you have answered.

Please visit my resource page on my website (https://coachingbyGJ.com) – your Marketing TYPE assessment; other saving resources [ shopping; groceries; solar power saving, without any equipment, on your electric bill ]. Check periodically, as new affiliate sources will be added.

​Until next month – spend some quiet time evaluate your procedures and the rituals your want to be your motivation! Your CTA (call to action) – Contact me.

Gloria-Jean Brown [email protected] https://coachingbyGJ.com

| | 110 5th Street, Lothian, Maryland 20711