“Timed Productivity” ~ ‘2 Announcements and 1 Goodbye’ (The Thursday BLOG, 25July19, #30/52)

“Timed Productivity” ~ ‘2 Announcements and 1 Goodbye’ (The Thursday BLOG, 25July19, #30/52)

After more than 6 months – these are the 3 themes for this edition:

  • . NEW e-BOOK: (available on Amazon ~ “365+ Tips To A More Efficient YOU (How To Increase Your Efficiency by 55%)” is available.
  • 2. NEW Commentary is coming – “Say So by GJ“, on a monthly basis. Stay tuned — could start August…?
  • 3. GoodBye to this “The Thursday BLOG” – please follow me for 3 tips per week (Mo/Wd/Fr) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest ~ (link from my website, please). Would love to have you as a short term (3- or 6- month Coaching client). Or, make an appointment for a 15-minute Consult call.

Want to organize your life: work and /or personal? Even develop a shared grocery list resource? Write and access meaningful notes and instructions. Have a team? This is a fun and easy way to stay on top – click recommendation link –> TRELLO

If you are interested in knowing your marketing personality style, – please click this- ->affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo. Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

My recommended email marketing provider? Please click this –> affiliate link for ConvertKit information. Yes, you can try for free.

Need an assist with attaining Inbox Zero or stopping Procrastination or efficient Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – >www.CoachingbyGJ.com  – “Courses and A Quiz” tab.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ ‘Rest’ (The Thursday BLOG, 18July19, #29/52)

“Timed Productivity” ~ ‘Rest’ (The Thursday BLOG, 18July19, #29/52)

  • Use SUNDAY as it was intended – A Day of Rest. Disconnect from the electronic world. Worship. Reflect on what is good in your life.
  • Develop a ‘Lifestyle of Rest’: know your goals; do the right tasks; enjoy healthy relationships.
  • Stop hustling on the weekends – enjoy a childhood hobby; get out of the house with your family; let your mind have fun and de-stress.

Want to organize your life: work and /or personal? Even develop a shared grocery list resource? Write and access meaningful notes and instructions. Have a team? This is a fun and easy way to stay on top – click recommendation link –> TRELLO

If you are interested in knowing your marketing personality style, – please click this- ->affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo. Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

My recommended email marketing provider? Please click this –> affiliate link for ConvertKit information. Yes, you can try for free.

Need an assist with attaining Inbox Zero or stopping Procrastination or efficient Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – >www.CoachingbyGJ.com  – “Courses and A Quiz” tab.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ ‘Time Management’ (The Thursday BLOG, 11July19, #28/52)

“Timed Productivity” ~ ‘Time Management’ (The Thursday BLOG, 11July19, #28/52)

  • 1. Leave room after a task; or, after 30 minutes – to take a break.
  • 2. Build in time for interruptions into your planning. If it does not happen – you have extra time. WIN-WIN.
  • 3. Stop wasting – mindless – time on Social Media. If you are part of meaningful groups: go, interact, and then, move on with your day.

Gloria-Jean Brown [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ ‘Swamped? – – – Delegate!’ (The Thursday BLOG, 4July19, #27/52)

“Swamped? … Delegate! (The Thursday BLOG, 4July19, #27/52).

  • 1. The person you delegate should be given not only the responsibility to complete the assignment – but, the AUTHORITY.
  • 2. The goal is complete the task – they may not …and, probably will not…do it the same as you. It is okay.
  • 3. Do – responsibly – check on the progress along the way. There are ways NOT to micromanage! Use them.

ANNOUNCEMENT: I want to wish everyone a happy, safe and fun summer. It is my intention to continue with “The Thursday BLOG” through 2019. BUT, I am in the process of upgrading my offerings ( the daily tips will be ending ). I will be focusing on Instagram [ gloriajean_brown ] and Pinterest [ Coaching by GJ ( look for: Time Management and my photo) ] – please, join me there. There will be less frequent visits to Facebook and LinkedIn – but, I will be making appearances. Thinking of adding a Monthly Commentary “Say So by GJ“. (SMILES) My 2nd book: ‘365+ Tips To A More Efficient You‘ is complete and will be available.

Gloria-Jean Brown [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ ‘Clear to Neutral’ ~ “Super-sized” (The Thursday BLOG, 27Jun19, #26/52)

“Clear to Neutral’ ~ “Super-sized”, (The Thursday BLOG, 27Jun19). Leave yourself in the best place to start again.

  1. Make your bed when you exit ‘it’ in the morning.
  2. Wash your dishes/cooking utensils when you have made a meal; note on grocery list -on refrigerator- any food you need to purchase (replace what was used up).
  3. Clear your desk of papers and books and notes and junk, etc. Be ready to sit down and work when you return.

Have you determined if you – “Are You Out of Control“? <– click the link.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ ‘Random Efficiency’ (The Thursday BLOG ~ 20Jun19, #25/52)

“Random Efficiency”, (The Thursday BLOG – 20Jun19) – Your routines determine your actual success.

  1. What is YOUR morning RITUAL? Mine you ask<Drink 16 oz of water (announce to your body you are awake and ready to go); stretch; bathroom; meditate; review goal for the day; start MIT (most important task).
  2. What do You need to do to set yourself up for YOUR best day?
  3. What is YOUR evening RITUAL? Mine you ask< Review my day; write (in a journal) my top 3 accomplishments for the day [Review weekly]; had cleared/cleaned my work area; left a note what I want to start first thing in the morning.

Want to organize your life: work and /or personal? Even develop a shared grocery list resource? Write and access meaningful notes and instructions. Have a team? This is a fun and easy way to stay on top – click recommendation link –> TRELLO

If you are interested in knowing your marketing personality style, – please click this- ->affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo. Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

My recommended email marketing provider? Please click this –> affiliate link for ConvertKit information. Yes, you can try for free.

Need an assist with attaining Inbox Zero or stopping Procrastination or efficient Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – >www.CoachingbyGJ.com  – “Courses and A Quiz” tab.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ ‘What is Your Quadrant?’ (13Jun19, #24/52)

“What is Your Quadrant?”, (13Jun19) – Priority setting is most important for YOUR success? Are you in the Quadrant of Accomplishing or trivial play or putting out fires all the time??

  1. Important goals/tasks should be contributing towards your secured future (desires, job goals, financial stability).
  2. Urgent – requires immediate attention: you cut your finger; going to an appointment and you get a flat tire; your child’s school calls!! You will be diverted from your important work/travel.
  3. Proper scheduling of planning activities; and building relationships will yield you the future you want.

Review: Quadrant 1 (Urgent, important); Quadrant 2 [Accomplishing] (NOT urgent, important); Quadrant 3 (urgent, not important) and Quadrant 4 (not urgent, not important).

Want to organize your life: work and /or personal? Even develop a shared grocery list resource? Write and access meaningful notes and instructions. Have a team? This is a fun and easy way to stay on top – click recommendation link –> TRELLO

If you are interested in knowing your marketing personality style, – please click this- ->affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo. Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

My recommended email marketing provider? Please click this –> affiliate link for ConvertKit information. Yes, you can try for free.

Need an assist with attaining Inbox Zero or stopping Procrastination or efficient Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – >www.CoachingbyGJ.com  – “Courses and A Quiz” tab.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]

  1. .

“Timed Productivity” ~ Efficiency Hacks, (6Jun19, #23/52)

Efficiency Hacks, (6Jun19). Look for ways to be better with less effort; so you will keep the process flowing.

  1. While having 1 email for ‘request’ you are not sure you want forever. UNSUBSCRIBE from those that you are!!!
  2. May take a little effort to set this up…BUT, think of the ease: set up separate email identities for your different ‘hats’ ~ Coaching or your job profession; hobbies; contracts you may administer; family (spouse, children, grands); personal non-family emails. Let your mind explore!!
  3. Stop running all over town: meeting a friend or having a business meeting – either way: schedule the second event nearby where you already are!! Meet a friend at a museum if downtown or a bistro. Meet at a park if you are in the suburb or google a restaurant nearby.

Want to organize your life: work and /or personal? Even develop a shared grocery list resource? Write and access meaningful notes and instructions. Have a team? This is a fun and easy way to stay on top – click recommendation link –> TRELLO

If you are interested in knowing your marketing personality style, – please click this- ->affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo. Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

My recommended email marketing provider? Please click this –> affiliate link for ConvertKit information. Yes, you can try for free.

Need an assist with attaining Inbox Zero or stopping Procrastination or efficient Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – >www.CoachingbyGJ.com  – “Courses and A Quiz” tab.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ ‘Get Pass Procrastination’ (30May19, The Thursday BLOG), #22/52​

​”Get Pass Procrastination”, 30 May 2019, #22 – [The Thursday BLOG] – I do it. You do it. “We” all do it. – – PROCRASTINATION!! What has it gotten you? Stress; anxiety; sleepless nights; not doing your best work; missed promotions? Stop the self-sabotage and start sailing through your life.

  • 1. Take 15 minutes and draft out you most important task. Write the steps you need to do. Schedule them on your calendar.
  • 2. Work in environments or locations that are productive: your back porch; library; bench in the park or just by a window.
  • 3. Don’t multi-task: work on 1 aspect at a time, as completely as you can.

Link to 5-day course: Procrastination, Be Gone: <– click.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ Rev UP Your Time Management, Part 2 (23May19, #21/52)

“Rev UP Your Time Management, Part 2”, (23May19) – We continue with our focused time management strategies.

  1. Block out time for you to declutter your office (30 minute or so). Tidy up; read a necessary report; Review your goals and schedule appointments.
  2. Arrive to meetings 10-15 minutes early and get settled (favorite seat; get a beverage).
  3. Be known for starting YOUR meetings on time – even if only one other person is there!! Do not update (late persons can read the minutes).

Want to organize your life: work and /or personal? Even develop a shared grocery list resource? Write and access meaningful notes and instructions. Have a team? This is a fun and easy way to stay on top – click recommendation link –> TRELLO

If you are interested in knowing your marketing personality style, – please click this- ->affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo. Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

My recommended email marketing provider? Please click this –> affiliate link for ConvertKit information. Yes, you can try for free.

Need an assist with attaining Inbox Zero or stopping Procrastination or efficient Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – >www.CoachingbyGJ.com  – “Courses and A Quiz” tab.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]