3rd Thursday with GJ, Thursday, 19 October 2023 ~ “What Do You Need?”

Before Paragraph 3 – our theme this month, I have two important items to share:

  1. Thank You to Paulette Smith, President of FOZA, for inviting me to be on her podcast as we talked about “Overcome Your Overwhelm”, Episode #25! This is the YouTub link –> “Overcome Your Overwhelm” (scroll down, CLICK on my photo in the ad, watch, and listen!!).

2. Start TODAY to develop your 2023 holiday list of not only gifts but celebrations you what to have and attend. Get your decorations out and test all is working. Make reservations for special events. Enjoy the season and do not put yourself in debt to do it!!

Happy October!! What do you need to do? Are things going well? Or, do you need to put some measures in place so you can enter 2024 on a more positive note? Have you considered ‘theming’ – but don’t know how to start? Are you thinking I could use some coaching to get me pointed in the right direction? If so, please contact me!!

You really only have about 30-35 days of really productive time before the kickoff of the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. SO – what is it you need to be doing?

What is it you need to reach your target goals? Start with small, quick wins, before gearing up to bigger tasks. What is it you want to achieve? What steps will it take for your success? Break those down into daily actionable tasks; and start DOING!!

What routines and/or systems do you need in place for you to be successful in your environment? Get really CLEAR about YOUR “essential intent” (YOUR desired outcome); then, execute.



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3rd Thursday with GJ ~ Thursday, 21 September 2023 – “Build STRONG In A New WAY!!”

September has arrived – changes have started! Are you still doing things YOUR old way … waiting for a miracle? Try thinking/tasks … in a different way. A new, refreshing, and invigorating way. Ask for help or delegate.

I was very pleasantly surprised with a collaboration request last month!! To assist in sharing specific, positive productivity input for women and families affected by Postpartum Depression, Suicides, and related Maternal Mental illnesses; and the children left behind ~ [FOZA, Inc.] “Friends of Zanye Adams”. Please click this linkfor more detailed information. The organization is lovingly nurtured by Paulette Smith. This link will also be added to my Resources Page.

Take time to review your day/week/month – what ‘new’ approaches can you design for yourself to further YOUR goals, YOUR way? What is the ideal routine for YOU? Draft it out and start doing it – tweak what/where YOU need. Multitasking wears on you – set “Time Blocks” for specific task(s) (suggest 2 per day). Be focused and undisturbed during those times (30 minutes; 1 hour).

Need assistance to fine-tune your processes, contact me for short-term Coaching!!!



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3rd Thursday with GJ, Thursday, 17 August 2023 ~ “Let’s Get Ready, It Is Coming!”

Short and Sweet!!

As the summer days (vacation days, bbqs, beaches, mountains, and fun times with family/friends) give way to September ( Back-to-school ); Autumn; End-of-year goals – are YOU ready to settle down? Who is coming: 2024!!!

What projects need completing? What projects need to be dropped?

Need to delegate?

Do you have the supplies you need?

Are your contacts in order for this last push of 2023?

Are there some courses you need to take; or a certification you need to obtain?

Get busy – draft it out – put dates to it and get it scheduled.

Need Coaching assistance: [email protected]  {Let’s communicate} 🙂



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3rd Thursday with GJ ~ Thursday, 20 July 2023 – “Are You Listening”?

Happy July – – Everyone!!

Partial correction – the FEEDSPOT link was not as active as it should have been!! My apologies.

“I was notified on 4 June 2023 that the Coaching by GJ Blog is #30 of 80 Time Management Blogs on FEEDSPOT. So Cool.” {Hyperlink is functional – now.}


I had to find my own way and reason. I don’t want to half-listen and I am quite comfortable in my own head – so I am quite particular ‘who’ I will listen to. I don’t even have music on my phone. Everybody – so it seems – has a podcast. Like television (how many shows can you watch) – how many podcasts can you listen to? Even I have a series out there – “Take Back Your Time with GJ”! (Spotify/Anchor) {take a listen}!

But what are you listening to? And, more importantly – WHY? Is the information improving you in a meaningful way?

My decision to listen to select persons is now occurring because I am a part of their community, and I have space when doing a particular keyboarding task that affords me time to listen – and so I do.

Podcast<– Click Gloria-Jean with Coach G of Positively. Motivating. Sisters. with Purpose. Meaning. Style. (P.M.S.) Episode 67 – Behavioral Styles & Time Management Tips for an Efficient YOU!!



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Bonus Thursday – Episode 67: Behavioral Styles & Time Management: Tips for an Efficient YOU ~ 22 June 2023

Happy Growth Monday, Gloria-Jean!

Tip#1- Write it down.

Simply said by our guest on this week’s podcast, Gloria-Jean Brown, Time Management Coaching by GJ of EB*GB Enterprises, LLC.

Sometimes the simplest thing you can do can be overlooked or ignored, but Gloria-Jean is here to empower you with some tips in Episode 67: Behavioral Styles and Time Management- Tips for an Efficient You.

Of course, time keeps ticking but let’s make the best use of our time.
Listen to the brief video clip here. What’s all the P.M.S.? with Coach G

Episode 67: Behavioral Styles & Time Management: Tips for an Efficient You


Welcome to Episode 67: Behavioral Styles & Time Management: Tips for an Efficient You

Guest, Gloria-Jean Brown is a time management expert. She served in the US Air Force for 10 years. After working in Corporate America, she left to develop her own businesses. EB * GB Enterprises, LLC which is a multi-faceted company formed by Earlton and Gloria-Jean Brown. Gloria-Jean also offers time management coaching through Coaching by GJ. She is a Wiley Certified Everything DiSC® Practitioner. She loves marketing the behavioral assessments which allow her to share a unique perspective with others and that is, “You can be happy in your own world, whatever that world is!” and “Make your own sunshine.”

Gloria-Jean is sharing behavioral styles and time management tips for an efficient you.

Connect with Gloria-Jean:
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/GloriaJean
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gloriajeanbrown/
Website: https://coachingbygj.com/
Email: [email protected]

3rd Thursday with GJ, Thursday, 15 June 2023 ~ “Shutting Down!?!”

First: I was notified on 4 June 2023 that the Coaching by GJ Blog is #30 of 80 Time Management Blogs on FEEDSPOT. So Cool. [https://blog.feedspot.com/time_management_blogs/] OK … back to business.

I am a Time Management Coach – BUT, Time can NOT be managed!!!!! YIKES. ‘What’s a Girl to do?’

“I will learn to ‘craft’ my time – then”. Make it to be what you need for it to be. When you craft something, what are you doing: shaping, building to your specification or someone else’s? You bring your skill to bear on the subject – in this case, ‘time’.

Do you handle it properly?? Are you focused? Do you schedule important dates and meetings? Do you work on THE ESSENTIALS? Or, are you running around like “a chicken with its head cut off”!!! Then before you know it – the sand is out of the bottle – NO MORE TIME.

Are you making use of Time Blocking, Pomodoro, or Eisenhower Box for determining your important and urgent priorities? It is mid-June and where are you with regard to your January goals? April goals?

NO – I will not need to go out of business. Need some pointers – contact me.

In closing – A thought from Francis Wade‘s ‘Remember and Share file’ ~ “We each have a timed-based productivity system we created in our teens, with little or no formal training or coaching.”



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3rd Thursday with GJ – 18 May 2023 – “Themes”

pink flowers in tilt shift lens

Greetings!! Happy May. Trust all is well, with visions of vacations being planned. I have 2 in the works and 1 for the last Quarter. And, of course, completed 1 in early March.

But, we are here now to talk about Theme(s). They are a way to keep you focused and on task. A way to name your month, week and day. You can use time blocking and Pomodoro.

Based on your goals, you set your Monthly Theme. Schedule things in each week and/or day. I have Tuesday and Thursday for study days (chapters in a course I purchased or reviewing a time management topic or researching a challenge that a client has). If something unexpected happens – that will take precedence over your normal day.

Nothing is cast in stone – but you have to put strong guides in place to keep your FOCUS while accomplishing what you need. Every month does not need a theme. But your week or days can be designated for maximum effects. Monday or Friday could be an Admin day. Tuesday – a meeting day with clients or client ‘welfare’ call day. Thursday – Social day (make videos; do your podcast; do postings). Try it. See what will work best for you. Also, free your weekends for family and friends and rejuvenate your mind and spirit.

Gloria-Jean Brown



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3rd Thursday with GJ ~ Thursday, 20 April 2023 – “Spring … into something”.

assorted flowers

Hope that you did “Spring … into something” ~ since last Month. And now that we are in Spring and have celebrated Easter – what are YOU building?

I am building!! An opportunity that had been knocking on my door [for 7 months] was finally recognized!! And I have seized upon it. Is there something that YOU need to realize is “calling to YOU”? Where do you need to increase? It could be more peace, stability, business connections, better health habits, – anything your heart desires!!

Search your heart – what are YOU hearing? Investigate! Then, act and build. Need a new job, qualified clients, need larger living space, opportunities for travel; – pray, set your plan in motion, and follow your instincts. There are always bumps in life’s road; follow after peace and you will reach your destination … happily!

In closing – A thought from Francis Wade‘s ‘Remember and share file’ ~ “Coaching yourself is sometimes the only option, and if it is, use best practices to achieve superior results.”

Gloria-Jean Brown



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3rd Thursday with GJ ~ Thursday, 16 March 2023 – “SPRING Into Some Action”

white and pink cherry blossom in close up photography

Happy March. Ready or not, we are 2 1/2 months into 2023. How are you coming along? Hopefully, you are making progress on your goals.

I find that often we get tripped up in getting STARTED. So, draft a plan for what you want to tackle and get started.

See in your mind’s eye – where you will be when you accomplish what your goals are.

Stay steady on completing your steps. You don’t need ‘luck’ – you need to carry out your planned ideas!!!

I will leave you with this question from James Clear, author of Atomic Habits: “The ‘thing’ that I am unhappy about ~ is it actually hard to change OR is it simply hard to have the COURAGE to change it?” Need short-term coaching, please contact me.

Gloria-Jean Brown




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3rd Thursday with GJ – 16 February 2023 ~ “We Are In Motion”

Trust this finds you ‘in motion’ working with focus and discipline to accomplish your goals.

Know what it takes for you to get organized and then to stay on task – 1 task at a time.

[ Let me know if you need some specific pointers – just for you!! Consult (Smiles) ]

Multi-tasking is definitely over-rated. And you wear yourself out. It is hard enough when you get interrupted to have to take 15-20 minutes to remember exactly where you were in your process when you got interrupted!

And if you are multi-tasking when you get interrupted … WOW.

Take charge and put your boundaries in place. Then, defend them! You will be tested.

Gloria-Jean Brown




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