“SAY SO by GJ” – 20 Sep 19

Happy Autumn – soon 2020 will be a reality. Are you on track to be ready?

  1. Are you going to close 2019 the way you really want?
  2. Are your systems working for you?
  3. Are you willing to invest in short term coaching to get on track?

Do you fear loss of control; disapproval; loss of harmony; or, perhaps – being wrong. I can help you re-discover and learn to work from your strengths: to take action; be enthusiastic; enjoy collaborating; and, utilize accurate procedures.

If you are serious, you can be on your way to YOUR success in 3 months.

Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash 

If you know of any Coaches who would like to have access to the DiSC Assessment (USA only) to use with their Clients – please let me know. That is a service I am providing.

GJ Client Testimonal: “Gloria-Jean has inspired me to take a step back, get an overview of my situation, and adjust one simple thing to make my time management more efficient. She has saved me from wasting valuable precoius time just by making a few little changes”. Lisa S.

New e-Book is available on Amazon ~ “365+ Tips To A More Efficient YOU (How to Increase your Efficiency by 55%)”.

Productivity tips in 7 categories: Analyzing, Planning/Scheduling, Procrastination, Email Control, Efficient/Productive, Goals/Habits, and General. PLUS, bonus topics: Meetings and Team Work. Over 365 tips, when applied with reflection and focused discipline, will enable you to increase your efficiency … as high as you want. Be intentional in the pursuit of YOUR goals and aspirations.

Be sure to still follow my tips 3x per week on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest. But, better yet engagement me to coach you, in your way of behavior, to better equip yourself to reach YOUR goals. Click here for more information.

Remember ~ You can only control YOU. Be intentional and focused, so you can do your task one time. If you need assistance, let me help YOU! <–click

Gloria-Jean Brown [email protected]  www.CoachingbyGJ.com 

Just Had To Share …. 5 Sep 2019 (Gloria-Jean Brown)

As you may know – I am revamp my coaching approach and the tips that I share with all. But, I received a expanded report of my ISTJ style last week – that has provided enlighten guidance and direction.

If you are in business – you need to get your own.

If you are an employee, you need to get your own. Learn to be the best worker with a few tweaks based on your style. [Less stress; Promotions; Bonu$es can be yours … with very little effort].

Expanded Report tells me:  Where my greatest impact lies; Content Strategy; My Communication Style; Best Content;  Social Media Strategy; Lead Magnet Strategy; Work Style and more….YES, more.

Here is the affiliated link I have shared before – (NOW is the TIME):

If you are interested in knowing your marketing personality style, – please click this- ->affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo. Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

(little under) 4 months to 2020!! On track? – need short term coaching? contact me. 

Gloria-Jean Brown [email protected] www.CoachingbyGJ.com 

“SAY SO” by GJ – Inaugural Edition ~ 20 Aug 19

Hello – Hope everyone is enjoying their summer.

First – Do YOU or someone you know need short-term coaching (3 months)? Please reply and let me know or forward this to the person you know – who does. THX

Second – Do you know of any Coaches who would like to have access to the DiSC Assessment (USA only) to use with their Clients – again… let me know. That is a service I am providing.

GJ Client Testimonals: “Gloria-Jean helped me to set a focused plan, and work steadily to achieve the goals we outlined together. I greatly benefited from the resources that were suggested for me (books, articles, etc)”. Nancy D.


“I am happy to report that notable progress has been made with a level of calm I have not experienced in the past”. Jamie A.

Third – New e-Book is available on Amazon ~ “365+ Tips To A More Efficient YOU (How to Increase your Efficiency by 55%)”.

Productivity tips in 7 categories: Analyzing, Planning/Scheduling, Procrastination, Email Control, Efficient/Productive, Goals/Habits, and General. PLUS, bonus topics: Meetings and Team Work. Over 365 tips, when applied with reflection and focused discipline, will enable you to increase your efficiency … as high as you want. Be intentional in the pursuit of YOUR goals and aspirations.

Trust you found this short and sweet. Be sure to still follow my tips 3x per week on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest. But, better yet engagement me to coach you, in your way of behavior, to better equip yourself to reach YOUR goals. Click here for more information.

Remember ~ You can only control YOU. Develop a game plan with workable steps to achieve your dreams and goals. Let me help YOU! <–click

‘Til September 2019/AUTUMN – be safe and have fun.

Gloria-Jean Brown [email protected] www.CoachingbyGJ.com 

“Timed Productivity” ~ “Efficient, because…” – (4 Apr 2019/The Thursday BLOG) #14/52

Efficiency is not hard – a little self-discipline … and you are on your way. YOU are efficient, because YOU –

  • Plan before hand.
  • Embrace the concept “clear to neutral”. (Clear/Clean up so you are always ready to start, with what you need).
  • Consciously use your ‘work flow’ time to its max. (Time block; use Pomodoro method).

Want to organize your life: work and /or personal? Even develop a shared grocery list resource? Write and access meaningful notes and instructions. Have a team? This is a fun and easy way to stay on top – click recommendation link –> TRELLO

If you are interested in knowing your marketing personality style, – please click this- ->affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo. Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

My recommended email marketing provider? Please click this –> affiliate link for ConvertKit information. Yes, you can try for free.

Need an assist with attaining Inbox Zero or stopping Procrastination or efficient Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – >www.CoachingbyGJ.com  – “Courses and A Quiz” tab.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ How Do You End Your Day? – (14 February 2019/The Thursday BLOG) #7/52

Another sharing from “Getting Results the Agile Way” by J. D. Meier. Do you plop in front of the television and then crawl into bed?

Or, do you review your day (as part of your bedtime RITUAL? Asking these 3 questions:

  • 1. What did I learn today?
  • 2. What did I improve?
  • 3. What did I enjoy?

It is these little tweaks – Morning Rituals and Evening Rituals that “do” make all the difference in your achievement.

Want to organize your life: work and /or personal? Even develop a shared grocery list resource? Write and access meaningful notes and instructions. Have a team? This is a fun and easy way to stay on top – click recommendation link –> TRELLO

If you are interested in knowing your marketing personality style, – please click this- ->affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo. Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

My recommended email marketing provider? Please click this affiliate link for ConvertKit information. Yes, you can try for free.

Need an assist with attaining Inbox Zero or stopping Procrastination or efficient Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – >www.CoachingbyGJ.com  – “Courses and A Quiz” tab.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]