20 Minute Meeting … Can YOU do it?? (Meetings 8 Blog)

Headed for your meeting?  Anxious? Have a report to write – can’t do that in the meeting!  I have calls to return – can’t do that in the meeting!  Who will take the meeting ‘south’ this time – will my guess be right?  Last meting — wow, what a surprise; didn’t see that coming, at all.  Are those thoughts and experiences in your head as you walk down the hall or pull into your parking spot.

Your meetings could be hijacked because:  wrong people are attending, no specific purpose, unrefined objectives (too broad), no decisions are made, no one is tracking the follow-up!!

Everyone has a part in the meeting; so, who isn’t doing their part?  Do they know what their part is?

You can achieve much with a piece of paper and a timer.

  1.  Invite the correct people for the type of meeting topic to be held.
  2. Three days before the meeting – send an email, to those invitees specifically, asking if they have any agenda items to present.
  3. Develop an agenda, with a timeline (allotted time to speak for each agenda item).
  4. Designate a person to write down assignments:  (the assignment, who is assigned, and any additional people to assist that person and expected completion date).
  5. In a large company – make use of scheduling software< both to schedule and cancel a meeting quickly and efficiently. Also, can send reminders of upcoming meeting.
  6. Use email to send a meeting summary and attach the Assignment list; also, note the proposed next meeting date and time.

Now you have time to write that report and make those calls. WIN-WIN

Stop The Drip [of your time!] (Interruptions 7 Blog)

Short and sweet – interruptions are stealers of YOUR time.

10 Interruption Pointers:

1/  Especially for Managers – have a designated ‘open door’ policy time.

2/  Attempt to complete your most important projects before everyone is needing YOU.

3/  You may need to rearrange your furniture so you are not so venerable to walk-ins.

4/  Don’t let the interruptions frustrate you; the people factor is the most important aspect.

5/  Create a time and space for handling questions.


6/  Plan for ‘the interruptions’!

7/  Communications:  give all pertinent details in the beginning; establish a FAQ; provide a sheet of/for new changes (cut down on reasons to be interrupted).

8/  When asked – “Got a minute”  – respond ‘No. But, I will at 11:30 – can I come to your office?’ or, ‘Can I meet you for lunch?’

9/  Set an appointment to talk with person at a non-busy time.  “I am in the middle of something, can I get back with you at 3?”

10/  Determine the reason for the interruption?  People need info?  They need to vent?  It is your Boss or VIP Client?  Ask the question – “How can I specifically assist you”? – that should help move your day along.

Put A Date On It!! (Scheduling Blog 6)

PUT A DATE ON IT!!  (Scheduling Blog 6)



You have got your plans (today, this week, this month, short-term [within three months] and long-term [1 to 3 years].


Now, ‘put a date on it’!  Yes, make space in your world for it to be done – schedule it!  Far more events and tasks are completed when you actually put them on your calendar. Otherwise, they run around in your brain and clog what creative juices you do have! Give them a home. If they need to be rescheduled – then, do so.


Be sure to schedule quiet time to work out your plans and dates.  Set alarm reminders where needed:  doctor’s appointments, board meetings, child’s soccer game, Date Night with your spouse!


Set time limits for your work. You can do different parts of your entire project – then, put it all together. Or, delegate the assembly, if that applies!


When you have identified your ‘highest energy time’ – this is where/when you schedule the most delicate portions of your project:  budget report, bank reconciliation, book draft, laying out steps for your project, etc.


Build in more time than you think because you will need it. This will ease any expectation anxiety (pressure) and stress.


When you schedule correctly – allowing extra time for the unexpected, and follow through with your step-by-step plan – you won’t have to find time to do it over.

6 Steps To The Perfect Plan (Planning Blog 5)


6 Steps, 6 Questions to Answer (Planning Blog 5)


Work Plan:

  1. What results do you want?
  2. What do you need to do to get your results?
  3. What are your priorities?


Time Plan:

  1. How much time will your activity need?
  2. When will you perform your activities?
  3. How much flexibility are you to build in to balance the unexpected?



  • Be flexible – allow more time then you think; plus time for (interruptions, illness, Personnel shortage, inventory disruptions, other crises).
  • Set up a work plan.
  • Do daily steps.


Planning is to control what time you can – in order to spend as much time as you can on your important issues!

Prepare for a productive start in the morning!  Set things out in your office/work-space before you leave.  Be ready when you arrive to carry out your plan.

1 Way To Find Out (Analyze Blog 4)

I will do my best to keep this concise and sweet!!  You need to do a time log – how long is it really taking you to do things:  Get out of house in the morning; pull the budget numbers; clean out your closet; fix dinner; run a few errands … do you really know?

A time log is like a budget (where is your money suppose to go) – where is your ‘time’ flying off to, and seemingly – without you!!

I touched on Important versus Urgent in a previous Priority Blog-3.  Is it that you start something and get interrupted; ‘It’ take a turn of its own; You get distracted and start something else — seemingly small, and it becomes an open pit?   We have all been there. But really, how did we get there?

No prioritized to-do list. Appropriate assistance not available.  Have no idea how to do it, but, know it has to get done – so, you dive in.

Remember – once time is spent – it is gone!!

Do a time log for a week and include your weekend personal time, also.


On a piece of paper, with 15 minute increments from 6 AM to Midnight, – write what and when you complete tasks.  Getting ready for work; process of leaving; DRIVE TIME; how long to get settled once at job or business.  Who calls you; who comes and interrupts you. Meeting you have.  How long do you check email and other social media sites (FB, Twitter, LkdIN, Instagram, etc)? Lunch. Afternoon business activities.  DRIVE TIME; evening activities (Church, Sports, Children, Children’s homework, School, Work Reading, …) Bedtime routine.  Prep for the next workday. Times is marching on…where are you?

How do you let technology assist you? Or, how can it?

After you have completed your time log analysis, please come to my Pinterest boards and get assistance in finding YOUR best solution.


Our next step will be PLANNING.


Gloria-Jean Brown – https://coachingbygj.com



3 Smart Strategies to Successful Prioritizing – (Priority Blog 3)

Prioritizing – tired of missing the mark?  The key lies in dismissing an element and working with the 3 remaining.

The 4 elements are:  Crisis; Work to do; Trivial Work; and Time Wasting Work.

Crisis – urgent occurrences that must be attended to {flat tire, you get sick, unannounced visit from Company President, child sick at school – you must go pickup, an accident}. An event you can not ignore or put off.

Work to do – an important portion of your life and day {contact clients, do the department budget, draft company newsletter, tasks that are significant to your objectives – no matter what you occupation}.  The planning and building blocks of and for your day.

Trivial Work – Though necessary – you spend way more time than you should {mail, phone calls, e-mails, general interruptions into your day (person(s) dropping-in}.  These activities are neither urgent nor important – they should be small fillers into our “work to do” — but, often they become ‘your day’!!

Time Wasting Work – put a stop to this 4th item – {busy work, phone games, sports following [especially at a particular play off time], TV}.  This is the land of distraction and waste.

When you spend your majority of hours doing the “Work to do” items, you will be very successful in establishing and completing your priorities.

And, the castor oil is “Urgent versus Important“.  You have heard this before but, I hope that you have a more workable context that you can apply to your life and … now, succeed.


SIGN UP here to receive your Urgent versus Important sheet.

Visit my Pinterest boards for additional aids to assist you.  Next, we will explore Analyzing.


Gloria-Jean Brown – https://coachingbygj.com


Set YOURSELF To Succeed (Goals Blog 2)

Set YOURSELF To Succeed

Welcome back!!  This is Gloria-Jean Brown, your guide to time management efficiency – on YOUR terms.

To succeed you need a plan for what you want to accomplish.  Then, you break those plans into workable goals that you can accomplish – your way.  We all have different exterior concerns that vie for our time.  Some of us are entrepreneurs; some are students; some are Moms with 2 or more children; some are retired  — point is, we all have other interest and concerns. Where do you find time for you to do you?  You have to create the time – in steps.  You may even have to give up some things, temporarily to accomplish your goals.  You may need to partner with someone to accomplish your goals.

Until you determine what you want; and how you intend to accomplish this journey – you are not going anywhere.  Start with your pen.  Writing is powerful.  You may not achieve your goals as you initially intended; but, they will be attained. You will just have to adjust your steps based on life events.  Step by step … then, AND SUDDENLY – you have arrived.

You need to make S.M.A.R.T work for you. (especially “R“):

  1. Specific
  2. Measurable
  3. Achievable
  4. Realistic
  5. Timed

Your goal is something that you want, that you can control.  You are totally responsible for the accomplishing.  Click for your Goal Setting Sheet.


Be specific in what you want to attain:  take a course; paint a picture; write a book; seek a promotion at work; save for retirement.

What measurable time do you have to devote to your goal?  An hour a day; Saturdays; 2 evenings a week, if you don’t play softball. Pay off some bills, so you can start to save that money.

Is it achievable? It is 1 November and you want to lose 30 pounds by Thanksgiving (coming in 24+ days) – this is probably not achievable in this time frame! Perhaps you need to start a weight-loss program in September?  You need 3-5 more courses for your degree to be eligible for promotion consideration – you probably can’t achieve this in 2-3 months. You can sign up for courses mow and be ready for next year’s promotion cycle.

Realistic – you must always build in extra time for the unexpected.  Have you had a full day of activities planned; going here – going there; stop here; run in there – what will a flat tire do to your plans?  Can you change the tire?  Will you get dirty?   Will you have to wait for assistance to arrive?  You are on the train or a plane – someone sneezes – few days later you have the flu!!  What of your plan(s) when you have fever and all your muscles ache.  Know where you are going; but, leave extra time to get there.  Don’t be so worn out that you can not enjoy the journey.

Timed – simply; put a date on it!!  An achievable, realistic date.  You can always adjust it if necessary.  You may finish your steps early.  You may need to add a task or two to your plans – it is OKAY!

There are any number of technological applications to assist you in accomplishing everything from stop smoking, to project management, to organizing your office or home, to running for office. Make use of what works for you and most importantly – what you will use!!

SIGN UP here to receive your 2 free aids:  Goals Setting Sheet and a Project Listing Sheet.

Visit my Pinterest boards for additional aids to assist you.  Next, we will explore PRIORITIES.


Gloria-Jean Brown – https://coachingbygj.com


Let’s Re-Gather Your Time (Attitude Blog 1)

Let’s Re-Gather Your Time    

(8Questions/5 Responses)

Welcome to my inaugural blog!  I am Gloria-Jean Brown, President of Coaching by GJ.  Business established in 1996.  I coach persons ready to change in adopting personal, get-it-done, efficient techniques that allow you to live a life you love.  I hope you will join me on a journey to choral your 1440 minutes per day to be more of what you feel is productive for you and your world.

You have to start somewhere; so, a few initial questions:

  1. Do you want to work from your strengths?  Do you know what they are?
  2. Do you have priorities for your day – at least 3?
  3. Are you employed by someone?
  4. Do you have your own business?
  5. Can you identify what is urgent or important as you go through your day? Do you make the right choice?

I like to keep things concise and sweet.  You are busy and I only want your valuable attention for a few minutes.

We will start with your attitude; because everything starts with YOU.

  1. Do you feel you control/influence your world?
  2. Do you have a lot of will power?
  3. Do you have time to accomplish your task(s)?

Your attitude moves you up and down; completing items or leaving items unfinished;  on time or putting off until it becomes urgent.

1a/  “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, YOU ARE RIGHT.”  Henry Ford

                2b/  “When you choose a habit, you also choose the results of that habit.”  Zig Ziglar

3c/  “Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things    undone.  The wisdom of life lies in eliminating the non-essential.”  Lin Yutang (1895-1976)

4d/  Self-discipline is the key to your personal time management.

5e/  Attitude:  Are you in control or out?   Sign up to receive your free “In/Out of Control Worksheet” to find out where you stand!!

Please come on your discovery journey!  Visit my Pinterest for additional aids to assist you.  Next, we will set our GOALS.


Gloria-Jean Brown – https://coachingbygj.com/