“Timed Productivity” ~ “UP” Your Game – (7 Mar 2019/The Thursday BLOG) #10/52

Next level time management is your ticket to real productivity – “YOUR WAY”. Discipline is not a bad word – it ignites your efficiency.

Mistakes: a/thinking time management is about “time”; b/embracing multi-tasking that leaves you lackluster and mentally tired; and c/you spend way more time on tasks than you need.

  1. Begin to function from a inner place of confidence and mental clarity.
  2. Use Pomodoro method to intentionally focus on projects (25 Min work-5 Min break).
  3. Develop YOUR OWN rituals (morning: start your day productively; and evening: end your day set to be efficient tomorrow.

Want to organize your life: work and /or personal? Even develop a shared grocery list resource? Write and access meaningful notes and instructions. Have a team? This is a fun and easy way to stay on top – click recommendation link –> TRELLO

If you are interested in knowing your marketing personality style, – please click this- ->affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo. Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

My recommended email marketing provider? Please click this affiliate link for ConvertKit information. Yes, you can try for free.

Need an assist with attaining Inbox Zero or stopping Procrastination or efficient Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – >www.CoachingbyGJ.com  – “Courses and A Quiz” tab.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ Mission Statement [YOUR’s] – (28 February 2019/The Thursday BLOG) #9/52

What is YOUR Mission Statement? Yes – YOUR personal mission statement for YOU; You and your family; and/or – You and your business?

The framework of your statement will take a little thought to focus in on your dreams, goals, and desires. Even government agencies have a 3 specific, purposed mission statement for their specific agency about their agency’s function.

Some may not be aware ~ My ‘BLOG subject’ is determined from my weekly Instagram (7-day themed time management/efficiency) tips. You are invited to follow me on Instagram; LinkedIn; Twitter; or Pinterest. Click here –> at the top of my website are the 4 social media symbols.

Begin your formulation with these questions:

  • 1. With your legacy in mind – what is your goal/focus for your life?
  • 2. Who do you want to assist and pour value into – for their life and circumstances?
  • 3. How will you do what needs to be done, ultimately, for others betterment?

My Mission Statement is: “With Divine Guidance ~ complete the relevant items within my personal and professional life competently {God, Family, and Business Endeavors} to the best of my ability”. Is30:15; Mt11:28; and Ps116:6-7

Gloria-Jean Brown ([email protected])

“Timed Productivity” ~ Time Tune-UP – (21 February 2019/The Thursday BLOG) #8/52

My tips are for YOU to develop YOUR way to be more productive. So find what you will work with and use. Tweak what you do have to make it work for YOU! Otherwise, you will keep spinning around YOUR mountain.

YOU must develop YOUR own system or even a RITUAL to solidly accomplish YOUR daily tasks.

  1. Using a small pocket-sized notebook.
  2. Use of a software program to ‘dump your brain’ – with all the categories YOU need to set for YOU. My personal recommendation is TRELLO, (can access from any device).
  3. Make use of your phone contact section for YOUR special notes/reminder – passwords, a friend birthday day or anniversary, order numbers, if you need for a call-[under the company contact card]. Contacts are alphabetical and you can assign your our code. You always have it with you!

Want to organize your life: work and /or personal? Even develop a shared grocery list resource? Write and access meaningful notes and instructions. Have a team? This is a fun and easy way to stay on top – click recommendation link –> TRELLO

If you are interested in knowing your marketing personality style, – please click this- ->affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo. Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

My recommended email marketing provider? Please click this affiliate link for ConvertKit information. Yes, you can try for free.

Need an assist with attaining Inbox Zero or stopping Procrastination or efficient Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – >www.CoachingbyGJ.com  – “Courses and A Quiz” tab.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ How Do You End Your Day? – (14 February 2019/The Thursday BLOG) #7/52

Another sharing from “Getting Results the Agile Way” by J. D. Meier. Do you plop in front of the television and then crawl into bed?

Or, do you review your day (as part of your bedtime RITUAL? Asking these 3 questions:

  • 1. What did I learn today?
  • 2. What did I improve?
  • 3. What did I enjoy?

It is these little tweaks – Morning Rituals and Evening Rituals that “do” make all the difference in your achievement.

Want to organize your life: work and /or personal? Even develop a shared grocery list resource? Write and access meaningful notes and instructions. Have a team? This is a fun and easy way to stay on top – click recommendation link –> TRELLO

If you are interested in knowing your marketing personality style, – please click this- ->affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo. Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

My recommended email marketing provider? Please click this affiliate link for ConvertKit information. Yes, you can try for free.

Need an assist with attaining Inbox Zero or stopping Procrastination or efficient Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – >www.CoachingbyGJ.com  – “Courses and A Quiz” tab.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ Are YOU Driving? – (7 February 2019/The Thursday BLOG) #6/52

From the book – “Getting Results the Agile Way” by J. D. Meier is the concept ‘Drive Your Day’.

Are YOU? Do you awake with 3 tasks for your day? Or, you spend your day reacting to what comes at you! That is not productive – at all! I call that ‘playing tennis…without a racket’.

  • 1. Have a plan; laced with flexibility.
  • 2. Make ‘accomplishing‘ decisions.
  • 3. “DRIVE” through your tasks.

Want to organize your life: work and /or personal? Even develop a shared grocery list resource? Write and access meaningful notes and instructions. Have a team? This is a fun and easy way to stay on top – click recommendation link –> TRELLO

If you are interested in knowing your marketing personality style, – please click this- ->affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo. Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

My recommended email marketing provider? Please click this affiliate link for ConvertKit information. Yes, you can try for free.

Need an assist with attaining Inbox Zero or stopping Procrastination or efficient Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – >www.CoachingbyGJ.com  – “Courses and A Quiz” tab.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ Productivity For YOU – (31 January 2019/The Thursday BLOG) 5/52

Can you believe, we are at the end of January 2019. I trust you have had a fun month. Testing out your new goals and designing steps to get tasks into the right format. We are always growing, learning and revising … it is our path, on the journey, to our destination.

Your three steps for this week:

  1. AM Ritual
  2. Use Pomodoro method for time blocking and focused working.
  3. PM Ritual

Design a morning ritual for yourself. Sample ~ MINE: (16 oz water; Stretch; Bathroom; Meditate; Review Planner/Today’s goals; Start your most important task{EAT YOUR FROG 1st}).

Pomodoro Method is focused work for 25 minutes. Take a mandatory 5 minute break. You can repeat the cycle. Or, You can choose another task.

Evening Ritual: write the top 3 things you must do tomorrow. Lay out what is needed: set out clothes; papers you need to take; make lunch. In your journal – write 3 things you accomplished today!!

Want to organize your life: work and /or personal? Even develop a shared grocery list resource? Write and access meaningful notes and instructions. Have a team? This is a fun and easy way to stay on top – click recommendation link –> TRELLO

If you are interested in knowing your marketing personality style, – please click this- ->affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo. Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

My recommended email marketing provider? Please click this affiliate link for ConvertKit information. Yes, you can try for free.

Need an assist with attaining Inbox Zero or stopping Procrastination or efficient Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – >www.CoachingbyGJ.com  – “Courses and A Quiz” tab.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ Let’s Start Over – (24 January 2019/The Thursday BLOG) 4/52

Let be sure we are giving our purposed goals their best foundation; so, I will share three books I highly recommend; have read and reread.

You need building blocks to help you survive the ups and downs of life, work and your pursuits of happiness. Take what you read and make it your own. Then, implement and make necessary ‘course’ corrections – so, you will want to do it and succeed with your goals!

  1. Foundation: Essentialism by Greg McKeown
  2. Building Block: Getting Things Done (GTD) by David Allen
  3. Building Block: The 12-Week Year by Brian Moran

Want to organize your life: work and /or personal? Even develop a shared grocery list resource? Write and access meaningful notes and instructions. Have a team? This is a fun and easy way to stay on top – click recommendation link –> TRELLO

If you are interested in knowing your marketing personality style, – please click this- ->affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo. Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

My recommended email marketing provider? Please click this affiliate link for ConvertKit information. Yes, you can try for free.

Need an assist with attaining Inbox Zero or stopping Procrastination or efficient Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – >www.CoachingbyGJ.com  – “Courses and A Quiz” tab.

Gloria-Jean Brown  [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ Pesky Resolutions (17 January 2019/Thursday BLOG) 3/52

How are you and more importantly – YOUR 2019 Resolutions?

Willpower thwarted by life … yet, again.

Change your mindset. 1 January is not a magic starting point — re-set is always your option; whenever you feel it is necessary. Strengthen your resolutions so they can withstand turbulence.

Some goals are complex – do you know all the phases of what you want to accomplish? Do your research. Readjust your goals and get started and don’t stop.

Don’t be hard on yourself. You have plenty of time to reach your goals.

  1. Re-prioritize your goals.
  2. Build a support system.
  3. Develop a tracking system and review monthly your up and downs.

If you are interested in knowing your personality style as it relates to marketing – please click this- -> affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo.  Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

Need an assist with Inbox Zero or Procrastination or Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – ->www.CoachingbyGJ.com – “Courses and A Quiz” tab

My recommended email marketing provider?  Please click this affiliate link   for ConvertKit information.  Yes, you can try for free.

Gloria-Jean Brown [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ Clear to Neutral 2/52


Welcome to week 2 – THURSDAY 10 January 2019. Clear to Neutral (CTN) – sound a little strange. Neutral is your starting point to achieve what you need in YOUR best environment possible.

Going to fix some breakfast —- SKEECH…dirty dishes and pans in the sink!! Had you washed your dishes/pans last night – your kitchen would be ready for you – Neutral. Do you have the food you want to fix ….or, is Food at the grocery store.

There is something that sets your tone for the day – making your bed when you get out of it!! Having been in the military ~ this is a no-brainier for me (smiles). No retreat!! Onward into your day.

You are leaving your office. What did you leave behind? An office desk “cleared” and a post it note with the 3 top items for tomorrow when you come in? OR – a mess of papers and phone call slip of people you have to contact. Did you look at your calendar — any meetings first thing or you will just surprise yourself when you get in?

  • 1. Examine what are your current habits?
  • 2. Where can you introduce “CTN” into your activities?
  • 3. Write out the steps (save in your phone) – – do DAILY to build new productive habits.

If you are interested in knowing your personality style as it relates to marketing – please click this- -> affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo.  Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.

Need an assist with Inbox Zero or Procrastination or Planning/Scheduling …? Visit (click this – ->) www.CoachingbyGJ.com – “Courses and A Quiz” tab

Gloria-Jean Brown [email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ 3 Efficient Steps 1/52

          www.CoachingbyGJ.com               [email protected]

Welcome to the Inaugural blog of 2019 – as well as – Happy Birthday to me!! Look for me on Thursdays.  This writing will expound, a little, on a topic from this week’s TIPs theme.  Goal is to provide value to you with a short commentary and 3 steps that you can implement each week.  Please share with others.  Please share any topic ideas with me. Let get started on our journey.

As we are starting a new year – realize that it takes times to change your habits.  Be clear about what you want to achieve.  Write out your desired results (What are you working towards?  Why?)   Take on change 1 habit at a time – be intentional about your activities.  Journal your accomplishments –  (list 3 per day).

  1.  Subscribe to newsletter(s) that help you NOW in achieving your   goals.  Unsubscribe from ALL OTHERS.
  2.  Listen to podcast/tapes/books while going to and from work or Client   appointments.
  3.  ReRead books that have helped you meet your goals. Look for new   wisdom!

If you are interested in knowing your personality style as it relates to marketing – please click this- -> affiliate link for information on how to obtain your personal report. The link will connect you to Brit Kolo.  Should you make a purchase, I do receive a small percentage, at no additional cost to you, for introducing the link.