3rd Thursday with GJ ~ 19 August 2021

silhouette of people standing on seashore during golden hour

Hi! My ‘cute’ reference to see if you took me up on my suggestion and purchased “Atomic Habits” by James Clear…a while back?

Did you? Or, you can click this link to receive a weekly, concise newsletter from James “3-2-1 Thursday” ~ [3 ideas, 2 quotes, 1 question] Short and sweet. Check it out!!

I will share 3 of my highlights from Mr. Clear’s book with you: 1/ The ultimate purpose of habits is to solve your problems with as little energy and effort as possible. 2/ Design your world so it is easy to do what is right. Meaning: design your life so the actions that matter are the easiest to do. 3/ Make your habit(s) as easy to start as possible.

Gloria-Jean Brown


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GJ ~ 3rd Thursday – 15 July 2021

pink fireworks

I was going to write about the Pomodoro Technique, BUT have you got two minutes?

I am sharing from “Atomic Habits” by James Clear – he says “When you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do”.

We are about 5 1/2 months from 2022. Where are you with your habits and goals? Your habits are your path to your goals!! James says the idea is to make your habits as easy as possible to start.

Are you still struggling? Are you still trying to figure out how to start? What is your goal? What can you do in two minutes towards that goal? Then, you begin to build up steam. Do your two-minute ‘thing’ every day. Add a little more time are you see yourself making progress. Now your brain is on board and is sending you ideas because it sees you are serious about this new ‘thing” – (goal or habit).

Have you started your own business during the lockdown? Will you be returning to your office 5 days a week or have a hybrid schedule? Or, you moved into a new job industry altogether. What do you want to achieve?

What is your two-minute rule? If you are going to run a marathon – you start with putting on your running shoes. If you are going to write a book – you start with writing the first sentence. If you are making travel plans – you decide your destination and make the necessary reservations – then you can plan your packing.

Go! Get started developing your two-minute rules for your life’s success.

Gloria-Jean Brown


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[email protected] {or, visit website ‘proofreading tab‘ for more information

Greetings!! “3rd Thursday with GJ” ~Thursday, 17 June 2021

red and yellow flower field during daytime

Hello, welcome to June’s 3rd Thursday! (Soon at the 2021 half-way point – July. {smiles})

What is ‘essential’ to you? Have you read “Essentialism” – ‘The Disciplined Pursuit of Less’ by Greg McKeown?

Some of my highlights:

  1. Play is essential [in and of itself].
  2. Build a buffer for unexpected events.
  3. Develop YOUR systems – to be as ready as YOU can be.
  4. What slows you down – in accomplishing YOUR goals? Identify and remove what holds back your progress.

Objective: Produce more, by removing more obstacles, rather than “doing” more.

Get your own copy of the book and become strategically ‘essential’ in your pursuits!

Gloria-Jean Brown


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3rd Thursday with GJ ~ 20 May 2021

shallow focus photography of white flowers

Hello, on the 3rd Thursday of May.

Please remain vigilant as we begin to fully emerge from our shut-down and start to really define “new normal”. Some things have changed permanently. Other activities will continue in hybrid form.

Use your time management skills to set yourself up for success. Get back to the basics. Set solid routines in place, designed for YOU. If you are mentally and physically at your best – you are better able to achieve your goals. Then, you can be of value to others.

Make use of your calendar/planning system. Wake up knowing what your most important tasks for the day are (because you reviewed your needs the night before). Smiles [preparation]

Do your preferred meditation/prayer time. Exercise – get those muscles moving. Eat something healthy and then get going on your task – before interruptions can begin!

Make checklist to keep you on track. Or, a post-it-note to remind you of your 3 main tasks for your day.

Gloria-Jean Brown


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3rd Thursday with GJ – 15 April 2021

low angle photo of cherry blossoms tree

As I adjust my timing to my retirement activities, I am spreading my wings to include PROOFREADING SERVICES! I can be contacted via email for submissions and work quotes at: [email protected]

It is a year+ since we started working from home. Are you still there? Will you continue to be working from home? How have you and your family members adapted?

When it comes to staying focused and being productive while working from home, it comes down to five key habits:

You must find ways to keep your focus and still be efficient in your day. Also, to work well with those sharing your space (other adults and children)!

  1. Develop and follow YOUR ‘best’ schedule.
  2. Plan tomorrow at the end of today – list your 3 tasks to start your day.
  3. Let your circle/team know what is going on and what to expect.
  4. Clean up your work space so you are ready for tomorrow.
  5. Don’t ignore the ‘Power of the 3x Rule’ – third time an annoyance occurs – find a solution to the problem.
  6. BONUS: Friday afternoons – review your tasks for this week. Adjust any incomplete items [reschedule or delete]. Review next week to see what is coming (are you ready)?

Gloria-Jean Brown


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[email protected]

“Timed Productivity” – ‘Back to Basics – Time Management’, Part 2 – Thursday, 11 March 2021.

Part 2:

Listing Your Responsibilities: separately from the recording activity, you should make time to review your job description, yourself if it is current and up to date, with your line manager if it is in need of a formal review. The purpose of this is to clarify what your role is and what are your formal responsibilities.

Listing Your Goals: this is another essential part of building that foundation as a professional, a manager, or specialist, you will have corporate level and operational level goals which your activity is meant to contribute to and help achieve.

Eliminating Or Reducing Unnecessary Activities: with the information that you have collected and considered, it is now time to take some action. In simple terms, this means identifying those activities, events, and periods of time, that are not contributing to you fulfilling your role and your responsibilities, and not helping you to contribute to the achievement of the corporate and operational goals nor your own personal goals. In your action plans, and your daily, weekly, monthly, lists (that we discuss below) you can then ensure that you do not continue wasting time and effort on any of these negative, unproductive, activities.

Prioritizing Activities: you may need to talk with your team, and-or with your line manager, possibly with internal or external suppliers and customers, to clarify and confirm what your priorities should be. This could be an opportunity to discuss how you could delegate some tasks to others, perhaps simply because you should not be doing them in the first place, perhaps as a developmental activity to help a team member learn new skills.

Preparing Action Lists: sometimes called To-Do lists. This is a relatively simple activity, where you look at the tasks and events of the coming day, week, and month, and list the activities that you intend to carry out, and when and for how long you will work on them. You will, of course, need to continually check that these activities match up with your role, responsibilities, and goals.

Starting Each New Day: in reality, this can mean taking action at the end of the previous day, your last task of the day being to plan your specific activities, perhaps as a simple action or to-do list, with times, perhaps as a list of priorities, that you intend to complete on the following day.

Building In Break Times: don’t fall into the trap of trying to work continuously, all day without stopping, working through all your breaks, and worse, not taking a lunch break. Overwhelming evidence shows that we need to have breaks and that without them our performance deteriorates dramatically the longer we go without.

Starting Each New Week: try to adopt the same approach as with daily planning. At the end of the last day of your working week, draw up an action plan for the next week, or at least for the first day in detail and the rest of the week in outline.

Strategic Planning: in parallel with the daily, weekly, and monthly planning, you should also have a background plan that focuses on medium-term and long-term objectives. These can be workplace performance targets, such as end-of-year financial results, but should also include softer, but equally important targets, such as the development of individuals and teams (not forgetting your own, personal, development objectives).

IN SUMMARY: without a structured approach to managing your time, it is inevitable that you will run into difficulties, miss important deadlines, not give enough attention to your career and personal development, not deal fully with the needs of your team members, allow others to dictate how you spend your time at work. The result is that work will become a burden, and your performance will deteriorate.

I will be returning in April 2021 with a new monthly format – “3rd Thursdays” … until then ~ Happy Spring!!

Gloria-Jean Brown


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[email protected]

“Timed Productivity” – Back to Basics (Time Management) Part 1, Thursday, 4 March 2021.

Here are practical, easy-to-apply techniques that will help. Once the initial, analytical stage is completed, the techniques outlined here are simple ones that can be applied on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, as a matter of routine.

Preparation Week: the first step is the most time-consuming one: analyzing your current situation. To establish in what condition your management of time is at this moment, you will need to complete at least a week, perhaps two, of preparation. You will also need to make note of any activities that fall on a monthly basis, such as team meetings, or budget performance reviews.

Recording Your Activity: for one week at least, on a daily basis, you will need to keep a detailed record, diary, or log, of what activities you are involved in, and how long you spend on each of these. Be as detailed as you can, so that you can analyze your activities in depth. The experts in the time-management field recommend that you split your day into at least 15 minute periods and for very busy periods even smaller time periods of 5 or 10 minutes.

Analyzing Your Activity: at the end of this period, you will need to carefully analyze these records. The primary aim is to identify negative activities and events. These will include activities that you shouldn’t be involved in or could delegate, activities that you are spending too long on activities that are unproductive and events which are disruptive or unproductive. Some of the activities that you identify here will be unique to your situation, but some will be common to most professionals, such as being inappropriately interrupted by colleagues, by telephone calls aimed at others, by attending meetings that are not relevant to you, by surfing on the internet, by focusing on low-priority tasks instead of more important, but more difficult, ones. However, it is also important to identify the positive activities and events, so that you can consider how appropriate is the time that you are currently allocating to these. Examples could be how much time you are spending in supporting, or coaching, your team members, or how much time you are giving to the building and maintaining of relationships with others, or how much time you are spending on addressing quality management issues. With a clear picture of how you are spending your time, you can then move on to the next step.

Talk with YOUR Stakeholders: these are the colleagues, the teams, the managers, perhaps suppliers, perhaps customers, who have a legitimate interest in how you perform at work and who will be affected by the changes that you will be making. You may also need to arrange a discussion with key individuals before you take the next few steps that follow – next week.

Gloria-Jean Brown


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[email protected]

“Timed Productivity” ~ ‘Analyzing YOUR Time’ – Thursday, 25 Feb 2021

Part 2 – steps from 6th to 10th refer to the Elimination stage.

  • 6. Identify Possible Solutions. You should figure out the causes that initiated the problem and determine what changes to the project might prevent those causes from reoccurring in the future. Each solution would have a set of corrective actions that could ensure a desirable outcome.
  • 7. Select Solution. By analyzing the possible solutions, you need to determine which of the solution is the most viable and suitable.
  • 8. Implement Solution. Now it is time to apply the solution. You need to develop a plan that implements the solution and ensures that corrective action is applied to the problem.
  • 9. Measure Results. Key performance indicators should be used to measure the outcome of the corrective action process and to find out if the selected solution has addressed the problem.
  • 10. Update Documentation. After the solution has been implemented and the problem is solved, you need to update project documentation to ensure that all further activities within the project will be carried out in alignment with the improved process.

Gloria-Jean Brown


Resource Page link

Schedule 15-minute consult

[email protected]

“Timed Productivity” – Analyzing Your Time, Part 1 – 18 February 2021

This is a 2-part dealing with Analyzing YOUR time/task/project:

This process can be divided into 10 steps (the steps from 1 to 5 refer to theIdentification stage). Next week – we will conclude with (the steps from 6 to 10 refer to the Elimination stage).

  • Identify Problem. You need to identify the reason for non-conformance and to define the problem that negatively impacts the project. The problem should be clearly described (What, when, and where has happened? How does it impact the project?).
  • Understand Problem. You need to investigate the problem consecutively to understand what process steps should have been taken prior to the problem occurred. It will help identify possible causes and find “gaps” in the project plan.
  • Analyze Possible Causes. You need to find out what processes could occur if the preferred process was not carried out. A detailed root cause analysis will help identify and understand possible causes of the issue.
  • Collect Data. By collecting the information regarding the problem, you can understand which of the possible causes actually occurred in a way that would initiate the problem.
  • Analyze Data. By analyzing the collected data, you can explore which of the possible causes did or did not contribute to problem occurrence.

Gloria-Jean Brown

https://CoachingbyGJ.com Schedule 15-minute consult

[email protected]

“Timed Productivity” – ‘Cleaning Up Written and Digital Communication, Part 2’ – Thursday, 11 Feb 2021

Hi – hopefully you have taken the beginning steps on the paper side of this decluttering.

Part 2 is about Digital. There are 4 areas:

1/ Desktop — to include your Download folder,

2/ Email,

3/ cell phone main screen [ also, the following 2 or 3 screens – or more],

4/ cell phone notifications.

You should review items you downloaded and put them in a folder, weekly, as part of your review process.

Which current projects or clients or business interest areas are you responsible for? Those should be your notifications. The French language app from your trip 2 years ago can be deleted. Or, other vacation trips (local maps of an area). Also, apps you no longer want to use.

It doesn’t take long to do. You will also gain some precious MB back.

Gloria-Jean Brown

https://CoachingbyGJ.com Schedule 15-minute consult

[email protected]