A lot of you are trying to adjust to not only working from home; but, also, having your children home; and possibly a spouse (FULL HOUSE). Everyone needs space. Everyone has tasks to do. If you are one who normally works from home – – now you have constant companions (smiles).

First thing each morning – get together and map out [brain storm] what must be done that day.

Divide up working space. Set posted schedules for all work time; homework time for children; eating; recreational time; even ~ decluttering time (since everyone is there!!); and family FUN time. Have a room where adults can make necessary work phone calls to clients or join in a conference call ( in relative quiet ).

Weather permitting – go outside for a walk; game of dodge ball; let the sun shine on you for 15 minutes. Each person take turns walking the dog.

Pay attention to your energy levels – something you might not have been able to do in an office/school setting. If you wake up at 3AM and can’t go back to sleep – get up and do some work! Go back to sleep. Should you find you need a nap at 10:30AM – take it for 30 minutes (reset) – get up and get back at it.

Pomodoro ~ is your friend and your family!! You work FOCUSED on a task for 25 minutes; then – take a madatory … 5 minute break. Then – start another 25 minute session. Complete (3) cycles and take a 30 minute break.

This is the link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique

This too shall pass! But while we are in the thick of it – make the time as pleasurable as possible. After all ~ you are home with family!!

“SAY SO by GJ” – Special Edition – ‘Get to Work, Productively’ ~ (Covid-19 edition) – 18Mar2020