3rd Thursday with GJ, Thursday, 20 October 2022 ~ “Acceptance”

orange and green leafy trees near lake

Happy ‘cooler’ October!! Fun time. Football!! Fresh-air activities.

Acceptance of yourself!! Build on your strengths; and, understand your weaknesses.

Get help for the things that slow you down. Change the way you handle your challenging tasks. Delegate. Hire someone (Family, Friends, or Fiverr).

Time is short for 2022. There is still a lot to be done before 2023 arrives. Do you need a little coaching? Let me know if you do. Do you know your strengths? Build those up!! An assessment can give you answers.

Gloria-Jean Brown



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[email protected] {or, visit website ‘proofreading’ tab for more information}

3rd Thursday with GJ, Thursday, 15 September 2022 ~ “Have A Good Day”!

river waterfalls near trees

Happy New Season!! The Quarter Gateway to 2023. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Can you answer the question – “How will I know I have HAD a good day”? Sound a little tricky?

It is not – when you have intentionally focused on 3-5 tasks. Some you complete; others you research; work 30 minutes on; or, lay out a draft outline of steps.

You will find at the end of your day – despite any interruptions – you made progress on your task list. You HAD a good day!! It is that easy with planning and sticking to your plan for what you want to accomplish!! HAVE A GOOD DAY!

Gloria-Jean Brown



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[email protected] {or, visit website ‘proofreading’ tab for more information}

3rd Thursday with GJ, Thursday, 18 August 2022 ~ “Let your hair down”!

Are you ready to roll into September and out of December? … it will happen in a flash!! “2023

Will you be looking back – yet again – where did the year go?

First – Let your hair down and relax and have some summer fun!!! But, while you are relaxing -spare some time for PLANNING!!

What goals do you want to reach by November? (Knowing December is a lost cause – it is the set-up for January)!!

Second – strongly consider developing YOUR “Rise Ritual” [your first 90 minutes] – to start your day with your tasks aligned (prioritized) -“Your daily target(s)” AND asking yourself “How will I know I have had a productive day? – – – Did you accomplish your daily targets? Also, develop YOUR “Shutdown Ritual” – end your day with prep for tomorrow. Then, go enjoy your evening with friends and/or family (recharging). Stop burning the midnight oil!!

Need help with either Ritual set-up or answering ‘THE’ question – email me.

Gloria-Jean Brown



Resource Page link

Schedule 15-minute consult

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[email protected] {or, visit website ‘proofreading’ tab for more information}

3rd Thursday with GJ, Thursday, 21 July 2022, “Do YOU, … Intentionally”

sun rays photo of white flowers

Happy 2nd half of 2022!!

Also, Tony and I celebrated our 40th Wedding Anniversary (last week).

Hopefully, you are taking the time to review where you are! As soon it will be the end of the year. But, as you enjoy this summer season, do you!!

What are your goals for the balance of 2022? Are you a morning person or a night owl? Are you a big-picture thinker or you are concerned with the small necessary details of accomplishment? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you over-scheduled with appointments? Take control! What is really necessary? Aim for 3 tasks per day. Perhaps a ‘meeting’ day for appointments; so, you are not disturbed every single day. Handle your most important tasks – first. Establish clear start and end times for your workday. Have family fun times.

Need assistance in reaching your goals? Please contact me <- email or schedule an appointment through the link below. Have a happy, fun, and safe summer.

Gloria-Jean Brown



Resource Page link

Schedule 15-minute consult

[email protected]

[email protected] {or, visit website ‘proofreading’ tab for more information}

3rd Thursday with GJ, Thursday,16 June 2022 ~ “Mid-Year Assessment”

brown wooden bench on dock near lake during daytime

WoW – we are 5 1/2 months into 2022 – how are YOU doing? Now is the time to access where you REALLY are!!

  1. Review your quarterly goals from January and April. (in truth – you should be doing a weekly review/adjust … but,)
  2. Are you on track – even if a little behind? Or, has life sent you in a totally different direction? You have to re-compass and get in the aligned direction.
  3. What are your summer plans – you need some ‘relax’ activities (head to the mountains; go visit some ‘fun’ friends; go to an out-of-the-way beach for a 3-4 day vacation…)

Gloria-Jean Brown



Resource Page link

Schedule 15-minute consult

[email protected]

[email protected] {or, visit website ‘proofreading’ tab for more information}

3rd Thursday with GJ – Thursday, 19 May 2022 ~ “Summer Plans”

pink and yellow flowers under blue sky during daytime

What have you got ‘cooking’ for your summer? Get those dreams and naggings finalized into ‘fun times’.

  1. What are your activities? (museums; summer markets; explore nearby wood and parks; activities with your children; starting a new outdoor craft or hobby; … etc.)
  2. What are your transportation needs? Passport up-to-date and ready?
  3. Clothing and/or any needed equipment to purchase?
  4. Money saved for a special event or concert?
  5. Coordinate with friends or family in your area of visitation?

Take the time to relax and let yourself de-stress!! Get energized for the remaining months of 2022.

Gloria-Jean Brown


Resource Page link

Schedule 15-minute consult

[email protected]

[email protected] {or, visit website ‘proofreading’ tab for more information}

3rd Thursday with GJ, 21 April 2022 ~ “Time Management”

purple-white-and-yellow tulips

We are a quarter complete on 2022. Are you on track? April-May-June – time to re-right your ship before the arrival of summer fun; and hot, lazy days!!

As we are 3 weeks into the 2nd quarter – definitely time to review our progress:

a. Where are you with regard to your goals? On track? Need to totally re-do? Moving, but not as fast as you thought?

b. Any task(s) to discard? Any items prove ineffective and can be remodified? Now is the time.

c. New habits to initiate in readiness for summer. Perhaps a physical goal you want to start? Rearrange your workday to mornings only! (More time for children and your activities!) It is your world – arrange it so it works for you and with you!!

Gloria-Jean Brown


Resource Page link

Schedule 15-minute consult

[email protected]

[email protected] {or, visit website ‘proofreading’ tab for more information}

3rd Thursday with GJ ~ Thursday, 17 March 2022 – “Relax … Often”

brown wooden bench on beach during daytime

While on vacation, I periodically thought – need to draft “something”! (LOL)

My Daughter and I took a trip to the beach for a week. You each need time away from your daily grind. You could even do a true ‘stay-cation’. I do something each quarter (4) with my husband or 1 or both Daughters. You need to have that relief valve ready!!

We did not cook!! Ate breakfast and dinner at a variety of establishments. And played in between ( Art Museum (2), walked on the beach, touched the Atlantic Ocean, shopped, Botanical Gardens, played Gin Rummy and sat enjoying the sun on our balcony. And a lot of other activities.

Plan something for you and yours. Ignite your relief valve. My next adventure is in June.

Gloria-Jean Brown


Resource Page link

Schedule 15-minute consult

[email protected]

[email protected] {or, visit website ‘proofreading’ tab for more information}

3rd Thursday with GJ ~ 17 February 2022, “Still At It”?

black flat screen tv turned on displaying happy new year

We, ALL, still fall into the procrastination pit! How long do YOU stay? Do you realize you have fallen – again? Are you – still – juggling so much you cannot help but fall in the pit?

1. Work Smarter. (Is what you are doing necessary? [STOP!] Is it the best use of your skills? [Delegate])

2. Know YOUR Priorities. (Schedule an activity a day to accomplish YOUR needs).

3. Get Yourself Organized. (Declutter your work area).

4. Develop YOUR Plan and Schedule Important ‘do’ Dates. Then, work YOUR plan to completion.

Need help, your Call-To-Action {CTA}: connect with me. Visit my Resource Page. Visit here for short-term coaching information.

**Last chance if you are interested in the free GrooveFunnel Life Time access – it ends 22 Feb 2022. Out of Beta – will be $299 per month starting 23 February 2022!**


3rd Thursday with GJ ~ 20 January 2022, ‘New Pursuits’

silhouette of people standing on seashore during golden hour

Happy New Year!!

Happy 71st Birthday to me on 3 January.

As the New Year unfolds, take stock of what you want to achieve. Declutter your email. Put tasks in place to help you achieve your goals. Add new software and/or apps to assist you with your new direction. Draft and develop YOUR plan!

Please ~ visit my STASH link if you are looking to increase your investing. You will be gifted with $20 in stock after you open your account. This begins my 4th year of investing with STASH. This is an affiliate link and all is explained on my Resource Page.

DON’T MISS THIS – if you are thinking about the Groove Funnel – free lifetime account – – – you need to act NOW. Groove has completed their beta program and will be launching their new program in February 2022 at $299 per month. So, do the math……

Review your daily activities – anything you can STOP doing or delegate to another qualified, interested person? Do it – make room so you can do what you do best! What no one else can do!

Let go of the stress – – – dial it back – – – strive for daily ‘enjoyment of YOUR journey’.

Interested in short-term coaching to help you reach your goals? – CONTACT me.

Have a fantastic YEAR.

smiley . Be Happy!
