September has arrived – changes have started! Are you still doing things YOUR old way … waiting for a miracle? Try thinking/tasks … in a different way. A new, refreshing, and invigorating way. Ask for help or delegate.
I was very pleasantly surprised with a collaboration request last month!! To assist in sharing specific, positive productivity input for women and families affected by Postpartum Depression, Suicides, and related Maternal Mental illnesses; and the children left behind ~ [FOZA, Inc.] “Friends of Zanye Adams”. Please click this linkfor more detailed information. The organization is lovingly nurtured by Paulette Smith. This link will also be added to my Resources Page.
Take time to review your day/week/month – what ‘new’ approaches can you design for yourself to further YOUR goals, YOUR way? What is the ideal routine for YOU? Draft it out and start doing it – tweak what/where YOU need. Multitasking wears on you – set “Time Blocks” for specific task(s) (suggest 2 per day). Be focused and undisturbed during those times (30 minutes; 1 hour).
Need assistance to fine-tune your processes, contact me for short-term Coaching!!!
[email protected] {or, visit website ‘proofreading’ tab for more information}