This is Part 1 of 2: Take December to get ready for 2021. Do you need to soul search steps to your achievement – do it. Put a plan together. Review your progress weekly and make the changes necessary for YOU to be YOU!!! That is the most important thing. Start small and continually add on until you reach where you want to be.

Change is hard. Most of us don’t stop to think about that when we set goals. We start out filled with passion, fire and excitement. We begin to encounter obstacles along the way. We may struggle halfheartedly through a few of them, but eventually we find ourselves making excuses, procrastinating and losing interest in those same goals we were so excited about before. What happened?

Goal setting involves much more than making a promise to do something. We need to equip ourselves with the right tools and mindset to ensure our success. There are several things we need to think about before we set goals:

What is your reason for wanting this particular outcome? Be honest with yourself. Be clear about what you really want. Why is this important to you? Keep asking yourself “why”, until you get to the “meat” of your desire. Be sure you understand exactly why these goals are important to you, and write it down. You will want to read it over and over again, especially when you feel your resolve crumbling.

Action Goals vs. Results Goals – Most of us make the mistake of setting results-oriented goals, rather than action goals. This is an important distinction. Setting a goal to lose thirty pounds is not a goal at all. It is an outcome. The goal should be to exercise and eat right – which will result in the loss of weight. We need to treat the problem, not the symptom. Make a note of the outcome you want, and then make a list of the actions that will get you there. Then make the actions your goal. Be specific. Rather than setting a goal to “lose weight”, decide how, when, how often, and for how long you will exercise each day. Decide what foods you will eat (or not eat), and how much of them. Set realistic and specific daily goals, and reward yourself when you accomplish them. Each day is an opportunity for victory. To be continued…10 Dec 2020

Gloria-Jean Brown

[email protected]

‘Get Ready: Make Resolutions That You Want to Keep!!’, Part 1 – Thursday, 3 December 2020